Southwater Royals FC are looking to start a brand new U9 Girls team this season and are looking for girl players in school years 3 & 4! Its a very exciting time for girls football and we are delighted to be able to offer further opportunities for our younger members in the Southwater, Horsham and local village community!
For our existing girls playing in our mixed teams and you are all very welcome to come along to training weekly on a Monday night from Monday 14th October, either at Christs Hospital (Yrs 3 - 4 - 5 & 6) and train for the girls team at no extra cost.
We are delighted that every week we have over 50 girls from different schools in Horsham including Millais and Tanbridge joining us.
All abilities and levels of experience are welcome to come along! All our coaches are FA Level 1 Qualified and have full completed the FA DBS and FA Safeguarding checks.
We are also looking for Year 7 players to compliment our existing U12 team. Any questions, please see contact details on the above poster!!
We would be delighted to see some girls join us from other senior schools including Christs Hospital, Farlington and The Weald at our free training sessions!
Hope to see lots new faces at training next week!
For further details please visit our Southwater Royals Girls Info site, click here
